Emotional intelligence in organizations


  • Gianna Carla Matje de Campos Faculdade QI Brasil - FAQI
  • Dagma Gonçalves Rosa Faculdade QI Brasil - FAQI


Intelligence Emotional, Organizations, Development


The following work is intended to emphasize the importance of developing emotional intelligence in associations, because with its improvement, the activity exercises its activities effectively, promoting an environment with good interpersonal orientations, driven to positive results. In this article, we will need the types of intelligence emotional, the methods and techniques used to achieve the objectives that involve a company. Communication, interpersonal skills, a way adopted to help people help themselves, developing their emotions by applying them in the best possible way, and how humor contributes to relationships and the improvement of emotional intelligence, are some of the aspects highlighted in the the text.

Author Biographies

Gianna Carla Matje de Campos, Faculdade QI Brasil - FAQI

Aluna do Curso de Pós Graduação em Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas e Negócios.

Dagma Gonçalves Rosa, Faculdade QI Brasil - FAQI

Vice-Diretora Faculdade QI Brasil, Mestranda em Educação e Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas.



How to Cite

Matje de Campos, G. C., & Gonçalves Rosa, D. (2020). Emotional intelligence in organizations. REFAQI - REVISTA DE GESTÃO EDUCAÇÃO E E TECNOLOGIA, 8(2), 21. Retrieved from https://refaqi.faqi.edu.br/index.php/refaqi/article/view/58