Utilizando Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação
Educação financeira, Currículo, Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Conhecimento, EducaçãoAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the insertion of financial education in the school curriculum using Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC's). Financial education is a topic of extreme relevance to society, and especially being included in school banks, including as suggested by the OECD. The inclusion of the theme in schools has already started in the country, mainly after it was inserted in the BNCC as a transversal theme and also by ENEF. However, to be inserted in an attractive way and to engage the student, the support and use of TDIC's is necessary. For this, an exploratory review of the literature was carried out on the topics: Curriculum, financial education at school and TDIC's. To this end, considerations were based on academic works by several authors such as Ramos, Moura and Lavor (2020) and Ferreira (2020) who used digital technologies to insert financial education in the classroom and by Abar, Branco and Araújo (2018), who carried out a mapping of the insertion of financial education within the discipline of financial mathematics, using TDIC's in dissertations and master's degrees. The results reveal that there are numerous possibilities of inserting the theme financial education in the school curriculum and that with the use of TDIC's it can be in a more attractive and instigating way for students. In this way, the study proposes a reflection to the directive and pedagogical body of educational institutions to include favorable situations for the insertion of financial education mediated by technological resources.
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